Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What would Jesus do? Not be a Fucking Dick that's What!

I’m sure at this point you’re all aware of what Phil Robertson from the mind-bogglingly-über-popular A&E show Duck Dynasty and his comparison of  homosexually to beastiality.  As a result to his comments, which A&E rightfully found to be inappropriate, they suspended him from the show.  Which is kinda funny when you really think about it since the show’s about his family so in a way they suspended him from his family.

That really should’ve been the end of it, but not in this “Christian” nation.  Once the “Religious” Right found out that A&E suspended him, they started screaming about the First Amendment and how A&E was infringing on Robertson’s.  Well, my dear readers, I took a gander at ye ol’ First Amendment and it reads as such:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Nowhere in there does it say anything about it being illegal for an employer to SUSPEND an employee for making statements that the employer feels are inappropriate.

Which leads me to believe that this isn’t about freedom of speech, but about how “Christians” have a hate-on for the LGBT community.  These “Christians” will take ANY chance they get to throw in a few jabs to a group of people who they hate because a book, that has gone through tons of alterations and translations from the Bronze Age, tells them that it’s wrong.

Never mind the fact the book they quote from also says you should never eat shellfish, or mix fabrics, but they seem to be OK with ignoring those parts.  On top of the fact that homosexuality was only seen as a sin to the Jews, because homosexuality, specifically lesbianism, was closely tied to goddess worshiping.

The Jews, being the only monotheistic religion in the region, understandably rejected these practices, in light of the fact that these polytheists in the region where also the people who were trying to kill them for being monotheists. Wow that doesn’t sound familiar, one culture pushing their beliefs on another, we would never do that in this day and age.

Which is the reason why when I think of what Jesus would say about this whole situation, I can’t help but laugh.  Jesus hung out with the lowest of the low, tax collectors, prostitutes, said the rich had no chance of getting into Heaven, and challenged the establishment of his culture.  Do you REALLY think he would care about two people of the same sex loving each other?  Honestly from everything we know about him he would most likely want to be friends with them and ask them to join him.

So “Christian” gay bashers, remember that next time you condemn someone’s lifestyle, because I would bet my soul that Jesus would be on the other side of your scorn telling you to leave them alone.


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